Blair Adams

   Blair Adams was found dead in Tennessee at the age of 31 with over 4 grand cash in numerous different currencies. He was from Vancouver. He was a former drug addict but apparently cleaned up his act. He had a good job left everything because he had to leave. We can tip toe around it but odds are he fucked someone royally in a gang or odds are the mob and got whacked. And he must of fucked them really really good for these people or person to track him down all the way in Tennessee. This is a case that I could never see the media if it is solved or not saying it is.

   When he first tried to leave he was turned away at the American border because he had so much cash on him which makes sense. Pretty suspicious carrying all that cash. He eventually made it through a few days later and bought a ticket to Germany (one way trip where as a round trip would of been cheaper) And never went instead ended up in Washington, D.C.

  He went to a hotel in Knoxville, Tennessee and went in and out never checking into the room and was later found murdered in a parking lot half a mile outside the hotel. The police ruled out suicide as the cause of Blair's death was a rupture to his stomach and one can not inflict that wound on themselves with a fist.

   The authorities say that Blair was insane (basically thinking the killer(s) were imaginary) But this is a case if someone goes to that extent to kill someone tracking them down I bet even the cops are scared to apprehend them.

   So what really happened to Blair Adams? My theory if it is right or wrong is that he fucked the mob. Either he owed them lots of cash from his drug days or he knew something he shouldn't of and they needed him dead.  Another theory which I found on the net was here Someone posted on their that they were his friend and he was working in Germany 6 months earlier and had a fling with a much younger girl and that maybe someone from Germany had something to do with it.

   Blair is dead and no one knows what happened. This is one case were we all know will never be solved.

Unsolved Mysteries
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