Not that I am trying to rip off or make fun of a famous movie line said by Judy Garland years ago. Lions, and tigers, and wtf OH MY!
When I went to pick up a pack of smokes the other day I also picked up the Calgary Sun news paper and it had an article in there about a story that I remember reading back in 2006. Most people especially ones from western Canada all remember the story about Jeremy Steinkie (how ever you spell the piece of shits name) from Medicine Hat, Alberta and his so called girlfriend who probably still wore diapers at the time. Blah blah most of you know but for those of you that don't here is a quick re cap with a couple of links.
Man in his early 20's has eleventeen year old "girlfriend". Parents of eleventeen year old girlfriend disaprove of them seeing each other (what a surprise eh?) Oh did I mention this so called MAN thinks he is a 300 year old werewolf and believes all that shit that you see in those loser vampire movies I can presume.
So instead of being locked up for being a pedophile he dates/babysits lord knows what and in the mean time since the parents for some weird reason have an issue with their baby dating someone his age. He does the manly and respectful thing and goes over to their house and slashes the shit out of them, killing them and also killing the 8 year old brother of his so called girlfriend. (sarcasm level be high there)
So for those for you that are not up to par with this story here are some links to the gruesome pointless slaughter of innocent people.
News Link 1
News Link 2
Wikipidea Link
The article that I read said the girl who was 12 I think at the time (I just find the term eleventeen more suiting, close enough) Is getting released back into the real world. One article here Hard time. Only in Canada can you slaughter 3 people in cold blood and be let out 5 or 6 years later. I don't want any age bullshit excuses. Unless she had a gun to her head and even then at that age you know right from wrong. I would of fought and took that bullet for my parents. I would of jumped on the chance to jam it in that sick fucks head. So that theory should be hucked out the window for this VAMPIRE. You should also know that Vampires do not exist. That we know of but wait............................................................... they said that to me about Santa Claus my parents, my teachers, my dads friends and that is total fucking bullshit because I always see him at the mall especially in December for some odd reason. They fucking lied to me man....................
Back on topic. Most of us all know this girls identity but due to legal reasons and shit like that might as well omit it from the article as an easy google search (for even people who think they are vampires can do) will find it. In my last article I wrote about Stiff Cliff Olson and didn't want to get to much into human rights in that one. Before I go ranting off on this Jeremy Stinky guy.......(pauses for air) This girl is fucked when she gets out. If Canada does all this bullshit to protect us from these people like Olson and this girl when they are behind bars. They also protect THEM from us behind bars. But now that she is out who will hire her? who would date her? (Mr Stinky be in the joint getting cornholed by Jamal) who would associate with her? Family will and should not help.
Apparently they met on this site called Vampire Freaks. Internet chat room or forum for picking up under age girls. Hardcore Jeremy is even desperate. "The HAT" (Medicine Hat) Is a mecca of local day cares for all the oil business men's teenie boppers why did he have to use the net to find youngings. If he liked them that young why act like a Vampire just say your friends with Justin Beber (or was he even invented back then?).
So what is the government to do? Do you put her in the witness protection program so that no one knows who she is she gets a fresh start at life? Ok they are being nice some girl comes up to me named lets say Emily Brown wants to rent a room off me? Her background check is ok I rent it to her then I find out later she murders my wife to drink her blood because she still thinks she is a vampire? Lets say I run a pizza joint up the road I need an employee? She comes in I hire her, people find out who she is I sell no more pizzas I lose my lively hood ect ect.
Here is a great quote from this news clipping. "The judge in the case says the now 17 year old girl is at low risk of reoffending." Yeah and this is on a sports stations website who I once heard say the Kipper would be a one year wonder for the Flames so the credibility there is a little shot. (Don't get me wrong I like that station and still listen to it all the chance I have for sports). Even if she is a low risk to reoffend use her as an example. Throw the book at her and start beating her. I am going off on another total different tangent here and a little off topic again. She is out in 7 years for a triple murder (which she was well aware of). If I was 13 now (lets say) I go rob as many banks as I could. Accumulate millions and stash it and get busted eventually. Deny everything serve a year robbing people is way less inhumane than killing people (don't you think?) I could of been rich now................... One year in a fun club house juvie for millions. That is basically what this justice system is showing us in her sentancing.
Here you will see why this man has to date eleventeen year olds. I am by no means a good looking guy but I am very confident I have this guy beat by a long shot.
Ders he be. Bad ass cool mother fucker. The eyeshadow is a must for every hard core vampire werewolf. He would of smiled more but his fangs weren't clean that morning. If I came home looking like that guy at 16 or 15 any age really my eyes would of looked more blue or black or what ever that is on there from the walk home let alone my dad seeing me look like that. Let alone 23 and this hard core Vampire werewolf lived with mom in the trailer park. Ahhhhhhhhhh mom must be so proud.
You know there might of been a time his mother may of. Sure that looks like a kid there you may of picked on a bit in school or throw in the odd locker but not a vampire. Or wait a werewolf That was him years ago. A football picture too if I am not mistaken. Probably before his eleventeen year old woman was born. I am presuming that picture was taken before he watched the Twighlight series. Also make sure you all keep this a secret just like they do in the TV series Smallville with Clark Kent. He had those werewolf powers that would of made him run faster and destroy everyone on the field. BUT they all had to keep it a secret on the team to hide his identity about the real him. "They could of won the provincials if not the nationals but they couldn't as they had to keep the secret" Just like the stories guys tell you in beer league hockey. "I could of been in the NHL but I hurt my knee" JUST ADMIT YOU SUCK LIKE I DO ha ha ha ha.
Bottom Line Have to bring out the heavy for the Canadian Realist site here we all know what Stinky deserves for this crime and his eleventeen year old should get the first half of it(Let her keep up from where she can't reproduce from). We have to quit lying to our citizens and ourselves. Shit like this will destroy us. Here should be the entrance way to his new home.
Great machines these things my buddy is an arborist an owns one like this. Cheaper for the government and cheaper for us. He bitches to me about fuel for it alot and cleaning the blades but really it is a small price to pay for us as Canadians to get rid of the shit and educate and help the good.
So now I have to end this with a quote. "Love is blind it comes in all shapes, forms, age is irrelevant love is something you feel it is great it doesn't matter the person, race, religion........................................................................" Serious you think I would think that and mean it ha ha ha hah ah aha h
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